Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Perky Penguins

When I bought this set, I had every intention of using it for my Christmas cards that year. I think I've had it for over two years. Yikes! Today I went through all my stamps to pick out a stamp set to use for my Christmas cards this year. I really want to use Perky Penguins this year.

Now to determine a color combo to use it with. Of course red was the first thought I had, but red & gold is a typical Christmas color combo as is blue and silver, which was my second thought. I thought of red and blue but it'd probably end up red, white and blue. I want to use something a little less traditonal, but not too wild that just doesn't seem Christmasy, but every time I start thinking of other colors I think it's too wild.

I have a ton of Christmas cards to make so I hope to start on them soon. I always pick my stamp set first, so I can check that off my list. Now to determine the color scheme...

Have any color combos to share? Leave me a comment.


1 comment:

  1. Good morning Lisa. Well what about deeper shades of the traditional colors (for vintage look) and/or maybe do monochromatic with the traditional colors. One last thought... how about inking stamps with clear embossing ink and then use chalk colors on the ink for a softer look. Good luck and can't wait to see your cards.


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